Okay everyone, the latest rehearsal schedule is as follows - short and simple, where only strings are involved this time round;
All strings rehearsals at Istana Budaya fall on
Wednesday, 17th Dec 2008 - 10AM to 12PM
Thursday, 18th Dec 2008 - 8PM to 10PM
CONCERT ON Saturday, 20th Dec 2008 - 1PM onwards
The rest of the orchestra - brass, winds and percussion will resume rehearsals with Dr Ota next year.
Meeting held on 2 Dec 2008
Minutes Noted;
1) String essemble performance on 20th Dec.2008
Venue : Orphanage Home / Genting Highland / Shopping Mall / Hotel (To be Confirmed)
2) Charity Orchestra Concert in February, 2009
Organizer : MCA / ER Studios
Venue : MCA Hall, Jalan Ampang
3) 7 days/6 nights Music Camp during School Holidays in Mac, 2009
Organizer / Host : Istana Budaya Management
Venue : Pusat Belia Antarabangsa Cheras (To be Confirmed)
Event Activities : Music Seminars, Games, Charity Trip, Picnic & Performance
4) Full Orchestra Performance in April, 2009
Venue : Panggung Sari, Istana Budaya
Lagu purba – Muzik yang wujud sebelum tahun 476, iaitu pada ketika zaman kejatuhan empayar Rom. Kebanyakan muzik era tersebut yang wujud hari ini dari adalah dari greek purba.
Muzik era pertengahan – Secara umumnya muncul pada sebelum tahun 1450. Canta monofonik, yang juga dipanggil “plain song” atau canta Gregory, berkembang di sebelah barat dan tengah Eropah pada abad ke-9 dan ke-10. Muzik polifonik (berbilang suara) kemudiannya berkembang dari canta monofonik dari penghujung era pertengahan hingga ke zaman pembaharuan.
Muzik era pembaharuan - Pada sekitar tahun 1450 – 1600; digambarkan sebagai zaman kebangkitan dalam penggunaan instrumen-instrumen muzik dan baris melodi berganda; juga penggunaan alatan muzik bes buat pertama kalinya.
Muzik era barok – Pada sekitar 1600 – 1750; dipelopori oleh penggunan tonal kompleks daripada penggunaan modal, penambahan kaunterpoin dan meningkatkan populariti penggunaan muzik papan kunci seperti alat muzik hapsikord dan organ paip.
Muzik era klasikal - Pada 1750 – 1820; adalah era muzik terpenting yang melahirkan banyak gubahan-gubahan muzik, gaya dan persembahan yang dterima hingga ke hari ini. Era muzik klasikal juga menandakan pengakhiran zaman penggunaan alat muzik hapsikord dan klavikord; digantikan dengan piano yang menjadi alat muzik terpenting untuk gubahan yang kekal sehingga kini.
Muzik era romantis - Pada 1820 – 1910; adalah era di mana amalan-amalan muzik disusun dengan lebih teliti dan lebih sistematik. Peranan muzik juga dikembangkan di dalam budaya hidup dan juga dengan kewujudan institusi-institusi muzik untuk mengekalkan seni kerja muzik dan persembahanan, di samping kelas-kelas pembelajaran muzik. Pada era ini juga, tumpuan lebih banyak diberikan kepada ritma dan melodi; begitu juga elemen-elemen ekspresif dan emosi, selaras dengan idea romantisisme di dalam bentuk seni yang lain.
Muzik impresionisme - Pada 1910-1920; adalah zaman di mana penggubah-penggubah Perancis menggubah dan melahirkan seni yang bertentangan dengan tradisi muzik dan seni Jerman. Seni mereka dibentuk dari aritmia, skala pentatonic, nada panjang, frasa aliran dan penggunaan instrumen bras sebagai bahagian utama untuk penghasilan corak muzik berbanding dengan penggunaan instrumen bertali.
Muzik moden - Dari 1905-1985; adalah era muzik yang agak kompleks di mana terdapat krisis di dalam nilai seni muzik klasikal dan peranannya di dalam kehidupan masakini di mana para pendengar dan pemuzik telah menjadi lebih cerdik pandai, begitu juga dengan lanjutan dari segi teknik dan teori. Soarang ahli teori, Arnold Schoenberg, di dalam esei beliau "Brahms the Progressive," menegaskan bahawa modenisme melambangkan penolakan atau impak negatif di dalam kaedah penggubahan muzik klasikal.
Muzik klasikal abad ke-20 - Biasanya dikenali sebagai era muzik yang mana terdapat pilihan yang lebih besar untuk corak lama era muzik romantis sehingga ke tahun 1999, termasuk penggubahan muzik di akhir era romantis, era muzik moden dan di permulaan era muzik moden.
Istilah muzik kontemporari - Sesekala digunakan untuk muzik-muzik yang digubah pada lewat kurun yang ke-20 hingga ke hari ini. Namun perbezaannya dinyatakan di dalam kumpulan-kumpulan "genre" yang berlainan.
Kata awalan “Neo” (Neoklasisme) digunakan untuk menjelaskan gubahan-gubahan muzik abad ke-20 atau gubahan muzik kontemporari yang menggunakan cara era-era klasikal, romantis atau moden. Igor Staravinsky melalui drama balet “Pulcinella” dipanggil sebagai gubahan "neoklasisme".
Petikan Majalah Pentas Edisi Mei & Jun 08
Sdr. Mustafa Fuzer (Konduktor OSK) sebagai berkata;
"Perkara pertama yang ingin saya nyatakan adalah kita kekurangan pemuzik tempatan yang layak bagi mengisi kekosongan ahli muzik orkestra. Bukan sahaja kekurangan ahli muzik tetapi juga tenaga kerja yang berpengalaman di bahagian pengurusan orkestra.
Perkara ini amat meruncing apabila melihat kepada beberapa sesi ujibakat yang dilakukan di seluruh negara sebelum ini, kebanyakan pemohon pemuzik OSK tidak menepati syarat yang diperlukan dan gagal. Ada yang hadir tidak faham keperluan alat muzik orkestra, sebagai contoh ada pemohon membawa gitar bagi sesi ujibakat tersebut. Ada juga membawa alat yang betul tetapi tidak mampu bermain concerto, tidak ada pengalaman bermain didalam orkestra simfoni dan lemah membaca notasi yang diberikan semasa ujibakat.
Kelemahan ini berpunca dari kelemahan sistem pembelajaran di IPT atau kelemahan guru serta kekurangan pendedahan kepada sistem atau konsep simfoni orkestra itu sendiri. Walaupun ada beberapa IPT tempatan yang menawarkan kursus bidang muzik, namun graduan dihasilkan tidak menepati mutu ahli muzik yang diperlukan oleh sebuah orkestra simfoni. Kursus-kursus muzik yang ditawarkan IPT tidak ada yang menjurus khas kepada pembentukan atau menghasilkan graduan yang mampu bermain untuk orkestra simfoni, malah tidak ada sebuahpun universiti tempatan punyai Orkestra Simfoni yang lengkap dengan alat-alat simfoni.
Perancangan pendidikan muzik juga dilakukan pada tahap agak lewat iaitu selepas SPM, sewaktu mula masuk IPT. Pembelajaran pula pelbagai dan tak mungkin dalam masa tiga (3) hingga empat(4) tahun pelajar tersebut mampu mempelajari semua perkara dengan sempurna. (Kebanyakkan yang berkebolehan dan menjadi ahli orkestra samada OSK atau OSR mula belajar bermain muzik seawal umur 5 tahun).
Masalah terbesar ketika ini adalah sistem pendidikan muzik yang masih jauh ketinggalan terutama dalam menghasilkan graduan muzik orkestra simfoni bertaraf antarabangsa. Kebanyakan guru alat muzik orkestra simfoni yang ada ketika ini samada di IPT atau pusat muzik swasta belum layak mengajar walaupun dalam peringkat asas bermain orkestra, sedangkan pada peringkat inilah pelajar harus diberikan maklumat dan latihan yang betul.
Tiada bentuk kerjasama antara IPT maupun swasta dengan orkestra diiktiraf dalam malaysia untuk merangka sistem pembelajaran dan juga tenaga pengajar yang sesuai - terlatih dan layak. Sudah terbukti keperluan mendesak ini perlu tindakan drastik kerana ternyata untuk menghasilkan seorang ahli muzik orkestra simfoni mestilah melalui proses yang lama (14-15 tahun). OSK sudah berusia 14 tahun, tetapi masih tidak mampu mengisi keperluan pemuzik secara menyeluruh" .
Demikian ulasan, Sdr. Mustafa Fuzer - Penasihat OSR
Administrator; Begitupun, ahli-ahli OSR masih kabur menilai kaca atau berlian, Pentadbiran Istana Budaya sedia beri ruang persembahan seberapa banyak yang diperlukan oleh OSR. Sokongan serta galakan dari bentuk apa saja, tenaga pengajar professional yang dedikasi dan pelbagai peluang tersedia untuk menimba ilmu orkestra telah tersedia dan anda berada di tempat yang tepat...whatelse do you want, pls say it..
Music therapy is a form of therapy that uses music to address and treat physical, emotional, cognitive, and social issues. Music has been used for healing purposes for thousands of years. It grew popularity after WWI and WWII, when musicians would go to Veterans' hospitals and play for the veterans suffering physical and emotional traumas.
Music therapy works well in people of all ages with health needs as well as developmental or learning disabilities. The client or patient need not possess any particular music abilities in order to benefit from music therapy. There is also no one style of music that is more therapeutic than the rest; the individual's preferences, circumstances, and needs will help the therapist determine the types of music to use.
Music therapy is effective in promoting wellness, managing stress, alleviating pain, improving communication, and promoting physical rehabilitation. It is most commonly used in the case of age-related conditions, substance abuse problems, physical disabilities, and pain. There are different types of music therapy that are used according to the patient's needs. Music therapists assess emotional wellbeing, physical health, social functioning, communication abilities, and cognitive skills through musical responses.
They then design music sessions for individuals and groups based on client needs. Although music therapy sessions will differ depending on the needs of each individual, most techniques include using music improvisation, receptive music listening, song writing, lyric discussion, music and imagery, music performance, and learning through music.
Hello all OSR players (and fans) alike! Hope you all had a good time with your Raya holidays - now it's time to get back to practicing hard! This just in for the next 2 weeks;
18th Oct (next week):
Woodwind & Brass - no rehearsal
Strings attend as usual
25th Oct
Woodwind & Brass - sectional practice
Strings attend as usual
Stay tuned for further updates...
OSR wishing you all the joys and wonders of EID UL-FITR !
May it bring you many happy moments to cherish forever..
LIU YI RETALLICK - In 1998, came to Malaysia at the age of four.
2. Shortly afterwards, started learning violin with Markus Gundermann, Concert Master of the MPO. Now, 10 years on and at age 14 years old, playing chamber music with Encounter String Quartet and is also a member of OSR.
3. Attend a Chinese School and beside music, devote spare time to reading and playing sports.
DR. TAKAHISA OTA - well known as Dr. Ota started with flute since 1965 under the tutelage of Professor Masao Yoshida and Takeshi Koizuma.
2. Later was a member of ' Waseda University Orchestra ' which won the Grand-Prix during the
' World Amateur Orchestra Competition ' organized by 'Herbert Von Karajan' in Germany. Also
a trainer of the ' Shin-Symphony Orchestra', Japan and a few other orchestra.
3. Had been a Conductor to the National Symphony Orchestra of Malaysia (NSO) from year 1993 to 2000. As Music Advisor to the same NSO from year 2005 to 2007 (sponsored by the Japanese Government through JICA). Received Ph.D in music from 'Somerset University, Belgium'.
4. At present, has been dedicated as 2nd Conductor to Orkestra Simfoni Remaja (OSR)
MAYYA MUSAEVA - started violin studies at age 7 in Tashkent. In 1986 - Received 'Red Diploma' (Diploma with Distinction) from 'Tashkent State Music College'.
2. Further studies another 5 years at 'Tashkent State Conservatory'. For another 5 years performing with the 'State Boshol Academic Theatre Navoi of Uzbekistan from year 1992.
3. Since 1997, being the Concert Master with 'National Symphony Orchestra of Malaysia'. Also been active with 'Pusat Pemuzik Muda (PPM)-Asuhan Seni' Programme and as Conductor for the Orkestra Simfoni Remaja (OSR), ISTANA BUDAYA
Administrator - Mdm Mayya.. more details kindly leave in comments...thanks
MUSTAFA FUZER NAWI - nama yang tidak asing di ISTANA BUDAYA, seorang Konduktor dan Pengarah Muzik Orkestra Simfoni Kebangsaan (OSK)-(NSO).
2. Lulusan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Hochschule Fuer Muzik Und Theatre Hannover, Jerman. Performer dalam bidang violin, Concert Master NSO (1993-1997).
3. Pada 1997-1999 meneruskan pengajian ijazah lanjutan dalam bidang Conducting (Orchestral Conducting & Choral Conducting) di Conservatorium Van De Hogelschool Enschede, Holland.
4. Katanya...,
"Sesebuah orkestra simfoni yang bermutu tinggi, ada 5 perkara utama perlu dinilai iaitu Konduktor, Pemuzik, Repetoire, Pengurusan dan Dewan Persembahan."
"Sebuah orkestra yang diiktiraf peringkat antarabangsa selalunya diterajui oleh seorang konduktor terkenal di industri muzik dan pengalaman luas dalam muzik klasik serta lulusan muzik taraf tinggi"
"Pemuzik sesebuah orkestra simfoni biasanya dipilih melalui sesi ujibakat terbuka untuk mencari
bakat yang punyai mutu permainan dan bakal menentukan taraf sesebuah orkestra"
"Program Asuhan Seni - OSR (PPM - Pusat Pemuzik Muda) menghasilkan ramai pemuzik muda berkemampuan dan ada yang berjaya mendapat tempat di IPTA, IPTS tempatan dan luar negara selain diserapkan dalam OSK dan MPYO atau menjadi guru muzik. Saya sendiri lahir hasil dari program tersebut bermula tahun 70an."
"Cabaran utama OSK adalah mengisi kekosongan ahli muzik OSK yang berkelayakan. Setakat ini masih terdapat 34 jumlah kekosongan jawatan Pemuzik OSK diperlukan bagi yang benar-benar layak....!"
1. In 1977, Orkestra Simfoni Muda (OSM) was set up and formerly known under the 'Young Musicians Programme' (PPM) by the Malaysia Youth and Sports Ministry .
2. Its aim was to give youth in the Klang Valley the opportunity to learn and play orchestral instrument. It was also the first step toward the formation of a National Level Symphony Orchestra.
3. In 1983, the OSM was officially launched by DYMM Seri Paduka Yang di Pertuan Agong (the 8th King). It became the foundation for the formation of the National Symphony Orchestra of Malaysia.
4. In 1998, DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di Pertuan Agong (the 10th King) launched the 2nd iteration of the OSM with new brand name Orkestra Simfoni Remaja (OSR). They were 70 musicians between the age of 6 to 25 at the Experimental Theatre, National Cultural Complex.
5. The Orchestra is presently based at ISTANA BUDAYA under the leadership of Ms Mayya Musaeva, the Concert Master of the National Symphony Orchestra of Malaysia (NSO) and Conducted by Dr Takahisa Ota with En Mustafa Fuzer Nawi as Adviser being the NSO Conductor.
1. 6hb Sept 08 (Sabtu 3pm-5pm)- 16 orang hadir mesyuarat kenal pasti kesungguhan setiap ahli dalam program latihan.
2. Semua ahli dapat peluang beri cadangan tambah-baik OSR, ada minta elaun makan dan elaun latihan. Pelbagaikan Repertoire dan ahli diminta kerjasama untuk dapatkan arrangement. Ada ketika ahli tidak ambil peduli untuk tandatangan kedatangan, ia penting pada pengurusan tentukan jumlah ahli yang hadir latihan.
3. Mdm Mayya - OSR wujud dengan tujuan beri pendedahan pada pemuzik amatur dan remaja dalam simfoni orkestra dan tahap OSR masih peringkat awal . Ahli harus ambil peluang jadikan OSR sebagai institusi pendidikan jika ahli minat untuk jadi pemuzik professional.
4. Dr. Ota - ceritakan kisah dulu, seorang pemuzik simbal dapat peluang untuk konsert orkestra. Zaman itu belum ada kapalterbang hanya kapal laut sebagai pengangkutan . Perjalanan jauh dari Jepun ke Eropah memakan masa selama tiga (3) bulan untuk sampai ke destinasi konsert.Pemuzik itu hanya perlu main satu (1) beat dalam satu(1) lagu untuk konsert tersebut. Akhirnya apa yang berlaku pada hari persembahan.., beliau tidak juga dapat main satu (1) beat itu dengan tepat..(miss the note)
Pengajaran - Seorang pemuzik mesti ada kesungguhan dan minat dalam kumpulan seperti orkestra simfoni yang di ceburi dan mereka seharusnya enjoy dengan perkara dilakukan itu bukan tujuan untuk konsert saja.
5. Laman web OSR - Ahli beri cadangan supaya laman web lebih pro-aktif. Banyakkan informasi terkini dan harap, paparan gambar dimuatkan dalam laman utama dan bukan dalam photobucket.
6. Administrator - Tindakan segera...makluman.. 'Main hosting' alamat akan datang http://www.orkestraremaja.com/ .
7. Ahli-ahli OSR dan siapa saja yang lawat laman web ini, minta kerjasama 'Create Traffic' kepada kekawan cyber lain. Layankan diri anda tolong aktif sama beri komen apa saja..,silalah rajinkan chatting sesama rakan dalam C box....
As you can see, the blog is expanding bit by bit and as such some things will be upgraded from time to time. The first change that we have done is that our CBox is now a Premium User Cbox - meaning to say that accounts can be created and saved as well as better management. The next step is to register for a domain name which we will discuss eventually.
Putting the above on hold, there are rehearsals this coming Saturday at 3PM as usual. Our dear conductor Madam Mayya would like to hold a small meeting do discuss the further direction of the orchestra and what to do next, future performances, outings, etc - if you seriously want to be involved, please drop by.
Finally, we are sure that many of you are aware of the OSR Photo Gallery (you don't know? tsk, tsk, tsk) located at the top of our blog, under Photo Gallery. Clicking on that will take you to our Photobucket account; you will see some dates on the left side (latest being 29-30 Aug 08 concert) and browse the photos. It's a bit complicated, given but you should be able to access a lot of our past photos there. Once again, if you have anything to add to the gallery or further requests, please mail us at orkestraremaja at gmail.com.
Stay tuned for further updates!
- The Administrator
2nd Violin
Dania Munira Che Salman (Principal), Lam Xin Ning, Lina Mustafa Fuzer, Khairul Aziem, Wong Sue Zann, Siti Nur Dalila Zulkifly, Kumuthamalar a/p Sangaran, Tan Wan Qien, Joel Wong U-Joe, Nor Liyana Abd Halim, Joyce Lee, Ayesha Hassan, Wong In Nuen
Danial Arif Bahar, Radzi Hashim
Sean Beh (Principal), Tawfiq Morshed Khan, Siti Nur Fazlina Zulkifly, Natalie Too Ru Jie, Philene Tan
Double Bass
Dahlia Dayana Ahmad Nazir (Principal), Mohd Azizi Azman, Mohd Fazli Zulkifly
1st Flute
Derrick Yeow Choon Beng,
2nd Flute
Nur Izwana Ismail, Muhammad Faliq Auri
Mohamad Khairul Ridzuan Abdullah, Syaiful Rijal Anas Shaid
1st Clarinet
Eizaz Azhar
2nd Clarinet
Huzir Shamsul Bahrin
Alang Fong Tuen Vern
French Horn
Chong Chiew Han, Illi Diyana Mohd Isa
1st Trumpet
Umar Aziz, Rozainie Hashim
2nd Trumpet
Sharir Sharis Ismail
Mustaqim Abdullah, Tay Kai Yee
Bass Trombone
Tan Wei Kien
Sarah Ong Ee Ling
Kee Poh Choo, Muhammad Farhan Mohd Safiruddin, Mohd Syafieq Zulkarnai
Members who are not in the list please reply in comments - leave name and instrument
What a week! The OSR has gone through yet another outing (please mail all your photos to orkestraremaja@gmail.com so we can post them on Photobucket), a live telecast of some of the songs that we will play on the concert, and not to mention the concert today. We will get a video of the outing and post some photos - as soon as they arrive - later on on the blog.
Eat well, take a break and good luck for the upcoming concert(s) later on!
The Administrator
Allrighty people, we hope everyone is somehow aware about what will be going on these few weeks - we have some very interesting activities planned out for our orchestra! Allow me to put them in point form;
1) ON THE 24TH (next week - it's a Sunday) is our OSR Outing! Yay! We'll be visiting fruit orchards, waterfalls, children's homes and another special activity - we, the OSR will be going street busking to promote our upcoming concert and this blog - hopefully we can get a good response and better turnout. Street busking as in playing by the roadside - our clarinet player Eizaz will be forming a small ensemble to jam; see him during rehearsals for more information. At the end we will also be giving a small performance for the children's home; if anyone wants to perform feel free to prepare something - group, solo, impromptu, stand-up comedy - and cheer up someone's day!
Time & Date: 24th August 2008 - Istana Budaya bus leaves at 8AM, will be back by six-ish
Things to Bring: OSR T-shirt (if you do not have this shirt please fill in your name next week and we will prepare it for you), slippers, shoes, some extra dry clothing. Instruments optional
2) OUR CONCERT falls on the 29th and 30th of August 2008 at Istana Budaya. We only have two weeks left so please practice your parts!
3) The String Section will be playing at Istana Budaya at CANCELLED, NO STRING PERFORMANCE, Istana Budaya has called it off for reasons unknown. Oh well.
4) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE e-mail us your name and position to update our Musician Listing. Until we can collect a proper record of confirmed players we request your support. You can contact us at orkestraremaja at gmail.com, the official mailing address.
5) THE RTM/TV3 recordings have been posponed due to unforseen circumstances. We will await Ms Mayya's update regarding this.
Until then, keep practicing and stay tuned for more updates!
The Administrator
Attention all players - here's the latest practice schedule as of 1st August 2008;
2nd August, Sat, 1500 - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan
9th August, Sat, 1500 - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan
16th August, Sat, 1500 - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan
17nd August, Sun, 1500 - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan
23rd August, Sat, 1500 - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan
24th August, Sat, 1500 - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan
27nd August, Wed, 1900 - 2200hrs, Sri Siantan
28th August, Thu, 1900 - 2200hrs, Sri Siantan/Panggung Sari
29th August, Fri, 1500 - 1800hrs, 2000 - 2230hrs, Panggung Sari
30th August, Fri, 1500 - 1800hrs, 2000 - 2230hrs, Panggung Sari
Keep reading for further updates!
Attention all players; there will be rehearsals on Saturday, 5th May 2008, in the Orchestra Lounge as someone is using our usual spot. Ms Mayya's schedule as posted below is now undergoing some changes and all times and dates are subject to change without prior notice.
Stay tuned for more information...
Attention all players who read the blog - at least we certainly hope you do - Ms Mayya has given all of you an ultimatum; if you are not present during next week's practice next Saturday on the 21st, your positions are considered vacant. 3PM, Saturday, Istana Budaya.
Update: This is the latest practice schedule given by Ms Mayya, so please take note from left to right - date, day, time, venue and players involved:
14th June, Saturday, 1500hrs - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan, Tutti
21st June, Saturday, 1500hrs - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan, Tutti
19th July, Saturday, 1500hrs - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan, Tutti
26th July, Saturday, 1500hrs - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan, Tutti
2nd August, Saturday, 1500hrs - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan, Tutti
9th August, Saturday, 1500hrs - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan, Tutti
16th August, Saturday, 1500hrs - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan, Tutti
17th August, Saturday, 1500hrs - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan, Tutti
22nd August, Saturday, 1800hrs - 2100hrs, Sri Siantan, Tutti
23rd August, Saturday, 1500hrs - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan, Tutti
24th August, Saturday, 1500hrs - 1800hrs, Sri Siantan, Tutti
27th August, Saturday, 1900hrs - 2200hrs, Sri Siantan, Tutti
28th August, Saturday, 1900hrs - 2200hrs, Sri Siantan/Panggung Sari, Tutti
Concert Days:
29th August, Saturday, 1) 1500hrs - 1800hrs 2) 1900hrs - 2200hrs, Sri Siantan/Panggung Sari, Tutti
30th August, Saturday, 1) 1500hrs - 1800hrs 2) 1900hrs - 2200hrs, Sri Siantan/Panggung Sari, Tutti
- The Administrator
We are pleased to inform you that the Orkestra Simfoni Remaja now has its own web forum which can be accessed via http://orkestraremaja.proboards85.com. It's still new and there are plenty of changes to be made, but let's all register and make the board a happening place to be - feel free to start topics and communicate.
Oh, on another note as of today the OSR is hereby known as OSREM, or Orkestra Remaja Malaysia (as pointed out by Umar, is the brand of a lightbulb). Please feel to speak your comments on this in the general board at the OSR Forums.
See you there!
The Administrator
Guys, practice will be up and running on the 7th of June 2008 - that's a Saturday. Same time, same place. Stay tuned for further updates.
Catch you all there!
The Orkestra Simfoni Remaja (yeah, that's us) held its first concert at Istana Budaya this year on the 26th of April 2008 at Istana Budaya, Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur. The concert started at 8:30PM and opened with song selections ranging from Grieg, Schubert and Beethoven. The crowd response and turnout was positive - everyone worked very hard to make the function happen and to all involved, a job well done! Kudos to all members for your commitment and time.
Anyway, our conductor Ms Mayya has stated that there are to be no more rehearsals for the whole of May (yippee!). We will be starting again in July I mean June - list of participating members still not known. Keep watching this space for additional information and updates, as this will be an archive of all dates and the band's upcoming schedule. We are still trying to get a video of performance that night, as well as the first recording on that afternoon to upload to youtube.
Pictures coming soon - to all members, please send any relevant photos to orkestraremaja at gmail.com and we'll have them uploaded to our photo album.
Update: Our very own photo album is up and running! You can view it at http://s282.photobucket.com/albums/kk276/orkestraremaja/ - the April 26th Concert photos are uploaded in the album http://s282.photobucket.com/albums/kk276/orkestraremaja/26th%20April%202008/?albumview=link&special_track=nav_album_album.
Enjoy, and keep them photos coming...The Administrator
Hello everyone! Welcome to the official blog of the Orkestra Simfoni Remaja, or OSR. We at the OSR Administration team are proud to present this blog as both a referance point for performances, meetings and just a get-together zone for everyone.
This space is meant to support players, family, friends and the public with information regarding the Orkestra Simfoni Remaja and its activities.
We hope to bring up the standard of music in Malaysia one step at a time and that we have your support all the way through.
Please feel free to leave comments, questions or feedback of any sort - this space is meant for everyone to mingle and mix around.
Thank you for your support!
The Administrator